
竞速王潮 Jìng sù wáng cháo

2013年10月,菲律宾保和省发生了7.2级地震,其一些小岛社区陷落了约100万土地。现在,图比贡市的Batasan,Pangapasan,Ubay和Bilangbilangan群岛即使在春季大潮时也遭受了部分或全部洪水。与一百年来海平面上升面对面时,这些岛屿社区显示出它们比我们想象的要坚强得多。 2013 Nián 10 yuè, fēilǜbīn bǎo hé shěng fāshēngle 7.2 Jí dìzhèn, qí yīxiē xiǎo dǎo shèqū xiànluòle yuē 100 wàn tǔdì. Xiànzài, tú bǐ gòng shì de Batasan,Pangapasan,Ubay hé Bilangbilangan qúndǎo jíshǐ zài chūnjì dàcháo shí yě zāoshòule bùfèn huò quánbù hóngshuǐ. Yǔ yībǎi nián lái hǎi píngmiàn shàngshēng miànduìmiàn shí, zhèxiē dǎoyǔ

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BFI : Future Film Festival

The 360 Racing the King Tide film will be once again playing at the BFI’s Future Film Festival as part of our ongoing collaboration with Igloo Vision. The film will be played in the 360 6 metre cylinder and I will be doing seminars on the Friday and Sunday. The festival is running from Thursday

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the Guardian

The Guardian International ran a story both online and in print on February 1st 2019 about the Racing the King Tide project. Their international correspondent Ben Doherty (@bendohertycorro) worked with our core research team and by watching the films to write his own take on the stories.

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360 at the British Film Institute

Racing the King Tide was played at the British Film Institute as part of their Future Film’s Virtually Summer programme in August 2018. The lovely team at Igloovision played the 360 films in their high end 360 cylinder.

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Racing the King Tide

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Adaptation strategies for relative sea-level rise A free, read-only version of a journal article containing the full details of tidal flooding and adaptation in the islands of Tubigon may be accessed here. The study was published by Nature Climate Change, and was featured on the cover of its August 2017 issue. Rationale of the Study

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